What we did – our experience
Political demands of the youth – but this time not only articulated through language. “My Creativity – My Power” shows through art what young people demand from European politicians. With body and voice, the young performers of “My Creativity – My Power” made their demands for a system change, climate justice and more solidarity for refugees perceptible and feelable.
More than 250 young people aged 13 to 23 from Austria, Italy, Poland and Slovenia met in local workshops to work on political demands. 55 of them participated in three international workshops to discuss their political demands, to express themselves artistically and to create a joint art performance. Together with artists and youth workers from NGOs the young people worked on the project “My Creativity – My Power” in Vienna, Palermo and Brussels.
Throughout several months the grouped formed itself, got to know each other, met online and in real life in order to create an artistic bperformance together to bring their social and political demands to decision makers and policy makers. This performance took the audience on a journey into the world of political art. With the motto “Can you hear us? – Listen to us!” the young people used elements of music, dance, visual art and theater to present their demands and life realities at the Permanent Representation of Austria to the EU in Brussels, where the demands were discussed with decision-makers. Furthermore, a public performance took place, in front of the European Parliament, at the Place du Luxembourg, in Brussels to bring the political demands closer to the civilian population as well.
The performers expressed themselves through their bodies and voices and used artistic short sequences to show that they demand freedom of expression, freedom to make decisions about their bodies, freedom of movement and freedom of being the person you want to be. The call for international solidarity with refugees, a stop to the destruction of forests and binding guidelines for companies to guarantee climate justice and the right to decide about their own identities and bodies were the main demands of the youth participating in the project.