The My Creativity – My Power project is born from the necessity to give voice to young people and let them express their social and political demands at local, national and European level.

Why the My creativity – My Power Toolboxes
Often, young people all around Europe, do not have the possibility or the space to express their thoughts and be an active part in the society they live in.
Nevertheless, it is fundamental that all the young people in the society and especially those with fewer opportunities, are able to be part of the social and political changes. By bringing new and fresh perspectives and points of view, they are being actively involved in the changes of the society.
Today’s young people are the citizens of tomorrow!
Whether talking about climate change, human rights or discrimination and racism, empowering young people by increasing their self-esteem and giving them new and creative means to voice their social and political demands as active European citizens is fundamental for an inclusive and better future for everyone.
Therefore, My Creativity – My Power aims at giving new, creative and artistic methods, means and skills to young people in order to raise their self-esteem and give voice to their social and political demands at European level.
This is why the My Creativity – My Power’s toolboxes are born!

The toolboxes
These toolboxes provide creative and artistic methodologies, training materials and good practices for youth workers, youth organisations and artists to be used with young people to enable them to act in the present European context and bring a positive change for the future.
The good practices, new means and creative methods can be used:
To empower young people to voice their social and political demands as active citizens by creative and artistic means and express those at EU level
To increase creative skills and raise self-esteem of young people, developing a range of qualities through creative trainings in different arts
To develop activist and advocacy skills of young people and express demands on political level

Art as a way to express youth political and social demands
Historically, humans are visually expressing beings. From the ancient hunting scenes on the caves up to the modern Banksy’s satirical and subversive street art, human beings have always used art to record their lives and to express themselves.
Art is a way to express yourself and so to understand the others; art helps to connect people and so creates stronger communities; art let people send messages, create dialogues, spur critical thinking and draws attention to important societal issues.
Curious about how art has been used to express social and political demands? Take a look here: