How many steps?



Can you imagine being a different person? Can you have a different identity and role in society? This methodology shows you the limitations and the opportunities of different persons and roles.

Target group

Group of young people or adults

Number of participants

5 – 15 participants and 1 trainer.


1 big empty room or big open space


Notebook and pen for the trainer


To reflect on discrimination in society.

Step by step instructions

Step 1.
Each participant receives a secret identity from the trainer. For example: a person with non-binary sexuality in Afghanistan or in Spain; a child in Syria; a person with a physical disability; an inmate; an illegal immigrant; etc.

Step 2.
The participants need to stand in one line. The trainer asks them different questions. For example: Can you marry your partner? Can you go to school? Can you vote? Can you have a holiday? Can you have a rental contract?

Step 3.
If a participant can answer “yes” to a question, they take one step forward.

Step 4
When the trainer stops asking questions, participants check their different positions in the space.

Step 5
Each participant reveals to the group their secret identity and talks about their experience.

Tips for the trainer

It is very important for the trainer to link the questions to the secret identities.