Raise your demands!



This method can be used as a demands-raising workshop with young people. The aim is to raise issues regarding the life-realities of young people via an interactive world-café format and to discuss them.
The world-café is a method which makes use of an informal café setting for participants to explore an issue by discussing it in small table groups. Discussions are held in multiple rounds of 15-20 minutes, with the café ambiance intended to allow for more relaxed and open conversations to take place.

Target group

Youth Group, School class, group of young interested persons

Number of participants

15-25 participants, 1-2 trainers


One room or space with tables outside

Time needed

Approx. time: 1,5 - 2 hours


Tables, chairs, flipchart-paper, pens


The aim of the methodology is to formulate and work on youth demands and giving young people a space to discuss the issues raised.

Step by step instructions

Step 1.
Preparation for World-Café
Prepare three tables with one question each and put flipchart paper over the table, so people can write directly on the table.
Make 3 tables with questions of demands on three levels.

  • Personal demands
    • What demands come to your mind on a personal level? What would you need to feel more comfortable here? In your school? In your youth center?
  • Demands on city level
    • What do you as a young citizen need more of in your city/town? What would make you feel more welcome and respected as young person?
  • International demands
    • Thinking internationally, on a bigger scale – what would you/we need to make this world a better place? What is needed on the globe to make it a nicer place?

Step 2.
Welcome to the Café!
Divide the group to the three tables and define a table host for each table. The table host should be a person interested in the topic and this person stays throughout the whole process at one table. Let the discussions begin! The participants discuss the questions and write them directly on the flipcharts on the tables. After 15-20 minutes the trainer makes a sign and each group changes the table. The table host stays and summarizes the previous conversation to the newly arrived participants. By moving participants around the room, the conversations at each table are cross-fertilized with ideas from other tables, resulting in a collective intelligence. Round two of discussions starts. After 15-20 minutes the groups change again, so that all groups discuss all three questions.

Step 3.
Present your demands!
After the last round the table hosts have 5 minutes to sum up what is written on their flipchart and present it to the rest of the group. They should try to formulate demands “In order to feel comfortable here we demand…/we wish for…/we need….” The trainer makes sure that after each presentation there is some time for feedback or additional comments.

Tips for the trainer

If there is still time you can play “If you were the mayor of the city…” Decide on two persons taking over the role of mayor and vice-mayor. Out of the presented demands they explain which ones should be put in practice and why. If time, the group leader can open up for discussion of the decision of the mayor.