Drama walk

“Drama walk” is a theatre activity to help establishing the group’s feelings.
Target group
Number of participants
Min number of participants: 10
Max number of participants: 25
Number of facilitators: 1
Time needed
Step by step instructions
Step 1.
The trainer invites the participants to walk around the room, not too fast not too slow, while he is making a rhythm with the drum. The trainer will call this “Medium rhythm”. It is important that the whole group walks at the same speed.
Step 2.
The trainer plays a fast rhythm with the drum, then he invites the participants to walk faster. The trainer will call this “Fast rhythm”.
Step 3.
The trainer plays a slow rhythm with the drum, then he invites the participants to walk slower. The trainer will call this “Slow rhythm”.
Step 4.
The trainer mixes the different rhythms, middle, fast and slow, and the participants follow the rhythms walking in the three different ways.
Step 5.
The trainer continues to mix the rhythms and introduces the “Stop” with a loud blow on the drum. Then the participants stop the movement and fix the position.
This activity continues until the group follows correctly the rhythms and stops.
Step 6.
One of the participants becomes “the leader” of the group. The leader starts walking in the three different ways – medium, fast, slow - and makes the stops. The group tries to follow the leader. When the leader feels that all the participants follow the rhythms and stops, he touches the shoulder of one of the participants, so he/she becomes the new leader.
This activity continues for a few minutes (depending on the number of participants). It is not necessary that all the participants become leaders.
Step 7.
The same activity (Step 6) continues without a chosen leader. Anyone in the group can be a leader at any moment. The aim is that the group walks at the same speed and stops at the same time.
This activity continues for a few minutes.