You don’t ask us, but we answer anyway!

The whole group practices together the rhythm of the song and then sings it with new lyrics. A new text is used for a well-known melody (We will rock you - Queen, 1977)
Target group
Young people, school classes, youth centers
Number of participants
Doesn't matter, also works well with very large groups
One room according the number of the participants, all of them should be able to stand in a circle
Time needed
Takes approx. 15 min. when the text is already ready, if the young people still work and brainstorm for the text, calculate more time.
Flipchart, markers, tape to hang up the text,
Well suited for communicating engaging statements/concerns.
Step by step instructions
Step 1:
Practice the rhythm: with feet "stomp stomp" and hands "clap".
Step 2:
Introduce the new lyrics: many different lyrics can be found to this simple and short melody. The extremely powerful rhythm supports the transportation of very engaged statements/concerns.
Text example:
We are, we are angry
We need, we need a change
You are you are responsible
You need, you need our help.
(lyrics: M. Taubert-Witz, Sophia Witz)
Step 3:
Divide the group into two subgroups: one that performs the rhythm (could also be the audience, if there is one) and one sings.
It is recommended to let the visitors stomp and clap the rhythm first and then sing/speak the messages into this rhythm.
Tips for the trainer
It helps to practice the rhythm a couple of times. The trainer should ensure a consistent tempo when practicing the song.
Any other comment
Takes approx. 15 min. when the text is already ready, if the young people still work and brainstorm for the text, calculate more time.