1. Good art must touch your heart!

Good art must touch your heart! – The Creative and Artistic methodologies Toolbox

Two collections of methods, activities and practices offer youth workers, professionals and artists working with young people tools to empower them. This toolbox provides activities to increase their self-esteem, to give them the possibility to be an active part of the European society and to make their voices heard.

These materials can be used either as individual activities or used together to create a workshop (to know more about how to create a workshop look at our experience).

The toolbox provides guidelines on how to use all the activities in it, therefore each activity is structured in the same way, providing all the necessary information for youth workers and artists working with young people:


  1. A description of the activity
  2. The target group to which the activity is addressed
  3. The number of both facilitators/trainers and young participants
  4. The environments in which the activity should be implemented
  5. The materials needed
  6. The aim of the activity
  7. The step-by-step instructions on how to implement the activity
  8. Some tips for the trainer for implementing the activity (where needed)